Principal Message
There is nothing dearer to the hearts of parents than their children. The Child Education Society promotes schools which recognise that parents are the first educators of their children. Schools run by the society, help parents in this most precious task.
"The Foundation Academy is a dedicated school to understanding and meeting the different needs of students in each phase of their development from childhood through adolescence to young adulthood."
THE FOUNDATION ACADEMY fosters an atmosphere of trust, love and respect for every person as the foundation for sound education. The highly qualified professional staff of the school works closely with
parents to ensure that both home and school provide the best environment for the overall growth of our children. Our focus is not only towards academics but we also lay emphasis on providing opportunity to each child to explore his or her own capabilities and area of interest, so that they can desire to pursue their own dreams. For this, we provide productive extra-curricular activities to help the child in becoming the best version of their selves. THE FOUNDATION ACADEMY implements a philosophy of Personalized Education. THE FOUNDATION ACADEMYfosters excellence and firmly believes that Excellence can only be achieved when every individual is guided towards developing his or her potential as an individual and a member of society.